
Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Never did the course run smooth - Reader challenge...

Greetings all,
My book has been out for a whole week, but it's been a bumpy one. On the very first day, someone posted a comment on my buy page which was less than glowing. Talk about bumping back down to earth. But when the universe gives you lemons, it's time to make some lemonade! I talked to some of my writer friends and they said, you know your editor at Ellora's Cave liked your book enough to contract it. One person didn't like it, but that's just one person's opinion.

So... I have a challenge for my readers. Visit my buy page and check out the comment.
Let me know if you agree or disagree. Did you like Protect and Defend or hate it? Was it too long and have too many ideas or was it just right? If you haven't read it, please consider it. Read the excerpt to see what you think.

I've received several private messages from readers who have enjoyed the book. Thank you so much for writing me. I really appreciate it!

What do you say, folks? Post comments here and on my buy page. I want to know what you think!

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